Report a street light, pothole or other problem Roadworks Changes to your road Licences, permits and business / developer information Dropped kerbs How we repair and maintain the roads Public transport Speed awareness and driver training
Report a street light, pothole or other problem Roadworks Changes to your road Licences, permits and business / developer information Dropped kerbs How we repair and maintain the roads Public transport Speed awareness and driver training
Featured news Previous news slide Active Travel funding boost for Hertfordshire Council Seventh consultation on walking, cycling and wheeling across the county launches today Revolutionary AI-powered pothole detector trialled in Hertfordshire Launch of new zero-emission buses at Hertfordshire University Active Travel funding boost for Hertfordshire Council Seventh consultation on walking, cycling and wheeling across the county launches today Revolutionary AI-powered pothole detector trialled in Hertfordshire Launch of new zero-emission buses at Hertfordshire University Active Travel funding boost for Hertfordshire Council Seventh consultation on walking, cycling and wheeling across the county launches today Revolutionary AI-powered pothole detector trialled in Hertfordshire Next news slide News slide 1 of 2 News slide 2 of 2